Working in Synergy to Achieve Circularity by Returning Our #TrashtoNature
It has been almost two years since the EcoNest Philippines Sustainability Alliance was established and under the alliance, we have experienced working with different types of people and have helped others jump start their sustainability journey. We faced several challenges in such a small amount of time, especially when the pandemic started and we were forced to change our business practices and outlook. Changing our perspective opened doors to other opportunities and soon enough, we were back on our feet. With some twists and turns, our help and services were offered to businesses, from corporations and SMEs down to individuals. And because of the hardships that we experienced, we reached out our hand and partnered up with like-minded people to help out individuals such as our dear frontliners. Relationships were built and soon after, we realized that joining hands with others prompt progress and leaves greater impact.
The Don Bosco Tondo Soccer Field turned Gulayan ni Juan which EcoNest Philippines and the Sustainability Alliance Partners built their partnership.
Mariano, J. H. (2021). This Idle Soccer Field in Tondo Transformed Into an Urban Vegetable Farm. Real Living Ph.
With the alarming rate of increase in solid wastes in our country, various organizations and institutions including EcoNest Philippines, Bokashi Pinoy Philippines, St. John Bosco Parish Tondo, and SACHI-Group Inc. collaborated to start the #TrashToNature Program. The various specializations of the 4 organizations shall complement the progress and development of this initiative. EcoNest Philippines pioneered the distribution of eco-friendly packaging since 2019 and their involvement in the material composition of compostables greatly supports the participants and businesses that will be involved. Positioning itself as the leader in the bioplastic manufacturing industry in the Philippines, SACHI-Group, Inc. will be able to supply locally made flexible packaging for all its partners’ requirements - be it the organic compost container, trash bags for collection or sando bags for daily use. Bokashi Pinoy currently being empowered by Coca-Cola Foundation on the other hand has been very active in the mentorship and education of numerous groups about the Bokashi Composting Method. With these specializations working hand in hand with St. John Bosco Parish Tondo’s knowhow in sustaining their soccer field turned urban garden, the Sustainability Alliance will be able to encourage and educate communities on how to close the loop by bringing their organic wastes back to nature and turning them into resources. This would be in support of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, highlighting waste minimization using proper environmental practices and the utilization of valuable resources.
The launch was held on Saturday, 17th of July 2021 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the St. John Bosco Parish Tondo Soccer Field. The turnout was overwhelming and it was a huge success. Attendees were able to Donate 165kg of their Bokashied Organic or Compostable Wastes, Drop-off 38 PET Bottles to be reused as Bokashi Ipa Containers, Drop-off 3 Liters Used Cooking Oil to be reused as biodiesel, Swap their trash with eco-friendly alternatives, Buy Vegetables, Compostables, and Mentorship Programs, Volunteer, or Sponsor a Harvest Plot that will support the community. Through these action points, people learned more about the importance of composting, were encouraged through the incentives they’ll receive, helped empower the community leaders in Tondo. Donors received various incentives such as cash back from Bokashi Pinoy, freebies from EcoNest Philippines, or vouchers from Unilever Food Solutions’ Shopee/Lazada official stores.
This is the Circular Economy that the Sustainability Alliance is striving to achieve. This will only be the first of the many projects and partnerships that EcoNest Philippines would be having to not only reduce solid wastes but also reach out to people and provide opportunities. As the Parish of St. John Bosco Tondo said, “through this partnership, we deepen our response to the Church’s mission of caring for the earth as our Common Home, as Pope Francis upholds in his Encyclical, Laudato Si: ‘The earth is essentially a shared inheritance, whose fruits are meant to benefit everyone.’ This is a shared responsibility entrusted to us, as stewards of God’s creation”. The Sustainability Alliance would like to thank everyone who helped make this event possible, and we can't wait to see you again in the next #TrashtoNature campaign.