Wholesale orders, email hello@econestph.com. Visit our Shopee / Lazada stores!

Happy 1st Birthday, EcoNest Philippines!

As the world welcomes a brand new decade, EcoNest Philippines also happily celebrates its first birthday! We have been through so much the past year and we greatly appreciate all the love and support from our partners, friends, and family. We are so excited to begin another year with the lessons we have learned so far as we bring our fresh ideas to life!

EcoNest Philippines 2019 Highlights Eco-Friendly Packaging Items

To start the year, we are launching the EcoNest Philippines Sustainability Alliance! It’s a great way to remind all of us that we can save the planet if we all work as ONE. Together, we can make the world a better place, and why not start by refusing the use of TWO MILLION petroleum-based, single-use plastics? Share stories, encourage others to reduce their wastes and learn more about new technologies and alternatives within reach. Take action now and make the shift to a more eco-friendly lifestyle with us! Receive a Sustainability Alliance Pledge for Social Media use to let your customers know that you are one with protecting Mother Nature.

EcoNest Philippines Sustainability Alliance pledges to save the Earth from 2,000,000 plastics

Through our alliance, we are partnering up with Project Curma for their Run Pawikan Run on February 8-9 in La Union. As we launch our pledge to save Earth from further plastic pollution, we invite everybody to take part either by joining the run or switching to eco-friendly packaging NOW! A portion of our proceeds will benefit the turtle hatchlings in La Union to Project Curma and the best part is, we’re creating a greener future for generations to come! 

EcoNest Philippines partners with Project Curma in its Run Pawikan Run in La Union to save the turtle hatchlings